







Tues. August 15, 2023

Greetings from DJ Express here. I reckon many of you are already aware of this lovely lineup we dropped about a month ago, but figured I’d give you some personal context about what this event means to me and where I hope it goes in the future!

It’s long been a dream of ours as promoters & curators to scale up and further innovate the atmosphere of the events we put together. From the weekly parties at Paradise, to the various bookings across the variety of venues in Vancouver over the years (check our archive if you’re curious ->), growing “bigger” really feels like what’s next. Call it a festival, or an open air, or simply a big party, either way, it’s our belief that our city needs and deserves larger scale events that celebrate the modern lineage of underground dance music that we trace back to the parties our friends threw back in the day.

Enter Propagate, our recently launched “event series presenting niche dance music in interesting settings“. We threw our 1st one back in June with our friends DJ Seinfeld & Baltra at the legendary Commodore, pulling the DJ booth on to the floor to reimagine the space & retrofit it into a more intimate rave. Next up, we take things outdoors to the Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park with a few of our perennial faves & close friends: Jayda G, Octave One & Yu Su!

If you’ve attended our events in the past, you’ll know Jayda has been a staple from day 1. In fact, the 1st party we ever threw under the UV moniker was with Jayda back in 2018 with Fett Burger.

We booked the legendary Octave One at Village Studios (back when it was known as Celebrities Underground) back in 2017 - a longtime dream ever since we saw them guest appearing on Jeff Mills’ “Purposemaker” DVD as Random Noise Generation:

And of course, our dear friend Yu Su rounds out the lineup - resident at Paradise & one of our city’s brilliant & unique musical treasures. We used to rub elbows with her & Jayda G on the dancefloor at the aforementioned Mood Hut parties while we were all still figuring this thing out. While she’s going to be bringing her signature eclectic, high octane DJing to Propagate, we’re particularly fond of her instrumental compositional work, of whom we booked as “Yu Su & Her Band“ at Fortune last November:


Basically this lineup is the culimination of the amazing memories & inspiring friends we’ve made along our wonderful journey. This event represents not only the incredible growth of these amazing artists, but also of the scene and this place we call home. 

>>Tickets for Propagate with Jayda G, Octave One & Yu Su at Malkin Bowl in Stanley Park on Friday, September 22nd can be found here<<